Are you ready for 2023?

Key things to consider when planning 2023–
1. Many businesses find themselves with projects rolling into the following year and impacting both the resources and budget for the following year while also preventing new projects from being mobilised.
2. Are you planning to do too much next year and is it realistic? Have a look at what you have achieved in the last 12 months. Every business wants to do more year on year however change environments are different and without more budget and more resources you can expect to deliver same as last year.
3. Have you completed appropriate planning and assessment to enable confidence in the2023 delivery plan. Too many portfolios are put together with finger in the air estimates on what it will take to deliver each project. Yes, some are simple to estimate however the larger initiatives require further analysis and sometimes funding just to work out how much and long things will take to deliver
4. What assumptions have you made in your planning? Every project has its challenges with internal resources whether it be SME, testers, trainers, etc. The same is true of external resources. Challenge your team in understanding what assumptions they have made in deriving project plans.
To find out how Sabre Advisory can help you with this planning, why not get in touch with Stephen McAlister